An itinerary from the town of Gallicano to Grotta del Vento, hugging the Turrite River, which offers scenes of rare beauty: don’t miss the town of Verni, the medieval fortress of Trassilico, the hermitage of Calomini, or the Lake of Trombacco.

When you arrive at the town of Fornovolasco the road winds steeply through the woods and in just a few minutes you arrive at the Grotta del Vento, one of the best known tourist caves in the world. This magic underworld of caves and tunnels can be explored by choosing one of three different guided tours. Comfortable paths bring you close enough to admire the stalactites and stalagmites, alabaster drapes and underground streams.

An alternative itinerary heads back toward Gallicano along the road that takes you to Vergemoli, the municipal seat.

From Gallicano it isn’t far to the medieval city of Barga, characterised by its narrow paved roads in the historic centre, lined by noble Renaissance palazzi, which lead to the summit of the village and the imposing romanesque cathedral with a stunning view of the Apuane Alps chain.

Not far from Barga you’ll find Castelvecchio Pascoli where you can visit the House-Museum of the poet Giovanni Pascoli.

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