You never return here; you always come for the first time. Because this is an uncontaminated part of Tuscany, a place that will unveil itself to you little by little.
There’s everything needed to lose the sense of time in this valley.
There’s the water of its river, the Serchio, and many lakes that suddenly appear and widen the horizon to infinity.
There are the colours of the seasons, stressed by the chromatic variations of the large chestnut trees.
There’s the great history which has left an indelible mark, with the Romanesque Duomo and the Medici palaces in Barga and the dense network of old fortresses, perched in strategic positions.
There’s the smaller history of medieval pilgrims who transited this station on the Via Francigena on the way to Rome.
There’s the hospitality of its people, who make everyone feel at home.
There are the tastes of authentic cooking, made of real products.
There are the villages with ancient origins, each with a well-kept secret.
But the reason for the journey is always different, because there are experiences and emotions that stay inside and tell of these places better than the panoramas and art treasures.
Video by Alessandro Stefani

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